Children & Families

There are many ways for your family and children to participate and get connected at Shady Grove through our Children and Family Ministries! Check out some of our offerings below:


Childcare is offered Sundays at 8:15, 9:45, and 11:15 a.m. for children ages infant through 3 years of age in G102, our nursery room. During the 9:45 a.m. service, any 3-year-olds in the nursery will have the option of joining the PreK-K class (school year in room G210, summer in room G217). During the 11:15 a.m. service, 3-year-olds have the option of participating in Children’s Church (room G217). Childcare is also offered onsite for most special services and events, and for many of our small groups and studies.

Child Protection Policy: We follow the Safe Sanctuary policy of the United Methodist Church. Our specific policy document can be found here. Please check-in at the kiosk outside of the nursery when you arrive with your child(ren). If this is your first time with us, one of our Nursery staff will assist you to register. Upon subsequent visits, you will use your child’s name to sign in using the kiosk – a sticker for each child will be printed, which needs to be placed physically on the child or on their diaper bag. If you are ever needed in the nursery, you will receive a text message.

Allergies & Children’s Belongings: Please label all bottles and sippy cups with your child’s name. Due to allergies, we ask that your child not bring anything containing nuts into the nursery. Small snacks are provided by our nursery staff (ie. Animal crackers, etc.). Please make our staff aware of any food allergies your child has – these will also be indicated on their check-in sticker once registered. Except for infants, we ask that children not bring stuffed animals or blankets into the nursery.

In Case of Illness: If your child is showing any symptoms of any illness, please do not bring them to the Nursery that week for their health and the health of our staff. We look forward to seeing them once they feel better again!

Sunday Mornings
Children are valuable members of our congregation! There are a few options for children to participate on Sunday Mornings.
Children can attend services with their parents. There are Children’s Bulletins and coloring pages available in the Narthex each morning. There is also a ‘Children’s Connection’ portion of each service where children can gather at the front of the sanctuary for a brief lesson and take-home item.

We offer Small Groups for ages 3 years through 5th grade each Sunday. During the school year, we offer options during the 9:45 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. services.

9:45 a.m. classes: Children have the option of joining their group after Children’s Connection, or can be dropped off at their room before service.
– Pre-K through K students meet in G210
– 1st through 3rd grade students meet in G218
– 4th through 5th Grade students meet in G220
11:15 a.m. class: All ages (Pre-K through 5th grade) start in the sanctuary and leave for G218 together after Children’s Connection.

During the summer, there is one class for all ages offered at 9:45 a.m.

Child Protection Policy: We follow the Safe Sanctuary policy of the United Methodist Church (click here to view) .  Please check-in at the kiosk on the Welcome Center balcony when you arrive with your child(ren). If this is your first time with us, one of our volunteers will assist you to register. Upon subsequent visits, you will use your child’s name to sign in using the kiosk – a sticker for each child will be printed which needs to be placed physically on the child before coming to class. All students will be held in the classroom until picked up by a parent or guardian; however, 4th and 5th grade students have the option to leave by themselves after class if given permission by their guardian.

Sunday Afternoons

During the school year, SGKids have a Sunday afternoon program from 3:30-5:30 p.m. that includes small group time and choir rehearsals. Children can be checked-in in the Welcome Center from 3:15-3:30, and picked up in the same location. Children are split by age group and take turns in small groups and choir rehearsal.

Kids Choirs: Our Cherub Choir (4 years through 1st grade) and Trinity Choir (2nd through 5th grade) practice on Sunday afternoons and sing in Sunday morning services periodically throughout the year. Our Sunday afternoon schedule is:
3:35-4:15 Trinity Choir
4:20-4:40 Large group snack and games in the gym
4:50-5:30 Cherub Choir
Please contact Liz Fryer, our Children’s Choir Director, here for more information.

Bible Buddies: These small group-style Bible studies offer age-appropriate Bible lessons and discussions, as well as games, crafts and various activities each week. Our Sunday afternoon schedule is:
3:35-4:15 Bitty Buddies (3years – 1st grade)
4:20-4:40 Large group snack and games in the gym
4:50-5:30 Big Buddies (2nd-5th grade)

SGKids in the afternoon runs weekly from September until the Spring Concert – please check our calendar for specific dates!

Mid-Week Programs

We currently offer one mid-week program throughout the school year:

Mommy, Me and the Bible: Don’t let the name fool you – it’s not just for moms! This is a small group for parents, grandparents, foster parents, and other primary caregivers and their young children. Meeting in G104 on Mondays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., this is an opportunity for children aged 0-preK to get an introduction to the Bible. Bible stories are made memorable and fun with the help of finger-plays, songs, felt boards, games, activities, crafts and more! Established in 2018, Mommy, Me & The Bible has served over 60 families and taught a new group of children the songs that generations before learned when they were growing up in church. All are welcome! This group follows the Hanover County School calendar when meeting, so if school is in, so are we. Registration is not required to participate – just show up! Please contact Director of Discipleship Mary Elder for additional information.



June 9-13, 2025!

Join us in a fun-filled adventure on the open road, taking all the kids (Travelers) on thrilling journeys to exciting destinations. Led by the Navigator and an adventurous pup Scout, kids will learn that God is always with them. Through engaging stories from the Navigators’ Guide (the Bible), Travelers will delve into timeless tales of faith from the Old and New Testaments. Get ready for twists, turns, and excitement as they face new challenges and find strength in God’s presence on this unforgettable trip! Registration is open now for volunteers – please click here. Registration for children will be made available via a link in April. Please check back soon!

Contact Becky Roberts with any questions or for additional information.

Special Events

We have many special events that take place throughout the year! Check our calendar for specific dates and details. Here’s a snapshot of our annual events:

January: Songs and Stories

February: Love Mugs Outreach project

Easter Egg-stravaganza

Spring: Westview Weekender and Maymont Rocks!

June: VBS

Summer: family fun events (bowling, putt-putt)

August: Burkwood Pool Party and Blessing of the Backpacks

September: Cupcake Wars and volunteering at Shalom Farms

October: Trunk or Treat

November: Paint and Potatoes

December: Parents’ Night Out and Birthday Party for Jesus

Getting Connected

Contact Becky Roberts at any time to get involved in our ministries! More details for specific age groups can be found below.

For children: Participation in events – Per our Child Protection Policy, all children must be registered in Realm and then checked in prior to participation in regular weekly events such as Sunday School and Bible Buddies. For some of our special events (such as VBS) registration is required to participate. For others (such as Family Bowling), registration is not required but encouraged to help us plan effectively. Our newsletter and event calendar will have registration links if required or suggested. Otherwise, feel free to show up as your schedule allows! Participation as volunteers – There are several opportunities for children to participate as volunteers! There are missions events such as “Be the Church Day” that allow our children to serve at the church and beyond in practical ways. Children are also valued members of our congregation and can serve on the Hospitality Team as greeters and on our Worship Team as Ushers or Acolytes.

For youth: Many of our events throughout the year are open to youth to participate either with their families or as volunteers: see our calendar for details. Check out the Youth page for information specific to our middle- and high-school age groups.

For adults: We have many events through the year that are geared toward whole families. We have a thriving and effective Children’s Ministry (SGKids) only because of dedicated adults who give of their time at least once a month to help run our Sunday morning and Wednesday evening programs. Are you interested in helping as an adult volunteer? Training is provided, schedules are flexible, and there are multiple positions to fill with varied level of responsibility.

Have Questions?

Send Becky a message using the button below.

"But Jesus called the children to him and said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.'”
-Luke 18:16