Dear Shady Grove Church Family,
As we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior this Easter, we are reminded of the incredible gift of grace and salvation that we have received through Jesus Christ. This year, we invite you to participate in a special Easter offering dedicated to supporting the missions work of our church. Through your generosity, lives are transformed, hope is restored, and the light of Christ reaches those who need it most. Our Easter offering will play a vital role in supporting various mission endeavors at Shady Grove. 100% of your offering will fund the $32,600 missions portion of the Shady Grove budget.
Local Missions:
- MCEF: Assists in providing essential food and clothing to those facing economic hardships within our local community.
- Moments of Hope: Offers nourishment and hope to those who are struggling with food insecurity.
- Heart Havens: Helps maintain and support homes for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- Helping Hands Christmas Trees: Holiday support for Mechanicsville Elementary with gifts for students, long-weekend meal bags, school day snacks, and other needs as they arise.
- Be The Church: A spirit-filled day of worship and service projects benefitting those in need in our community.
Global Missions:
- Operation Christmas Child: Helps to spread joy and love during the Christmas season by delivering gift-filled shoeboxes to children around the world.
- Stepping Forward Ministries: Supports a camp in Romania that provides love, care, and hope to orphan children.
- Rise Against Hunger: Facilitates the joining of hands and hearts to package meals for those facing hunger and malnutrition.
- Disaster relief through The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
Jesus teaches us in Matthew 6:25: “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?” Pastor Darcey will encourage us to “Simplify” during the Lenten season, and this passage calls us to simplify our lives by focusing on eternal treasures rather than temporary possessions. By giving sacrificially to missions, we invest in something that will never fade – the spread of the gospel and the furtherance of God’s kingdom. We encourage you to prayerfully consider what you can give to this Easter offering. Whether large or small, your gift will make an impact in ways that go beyond what we can see. You may give online by clicking the “Donate” button below or by dropping your offering in the collection plate on any Sunday throughout Lent (be sure to mark your envelope with “Easter Offering” so that it will be directed appropriately). Thank you for being a faithful part of our church family and may the joy of Easter fill your hearts with the love and peace of our risen Savior.
Blessings and gratitude,
Catherine James, Missions Chair
Buz Edwards, Church Council Chair