UWF Christmas Market

December 7, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm  |  Gym

The UWF 2nd Annual Christmas Market will be held on Saturday, December 7, 2024 – 9:00 am – 2:00 pm in the Gym and other designated rooms.

Volunteers are needed! Please use the button below to sign up.  There are opportunities available from Friday, Dec. 6th through Sunday, Dec. 8th.

SILENT AUCTION items are now being collected and may be left in the Missions Zone located in the hallway between the sanctuary building and the gym. Please mark your item for the UWF SILENT AUCTION because there are several other donation projects being collected in the same area. If you have questions, contact  Laura Dustin at laurabdustin@gmail.com or Lori Cross at lori.r.cross@gmail.com  for further information. Items should be delivered by Friday, December 6.

GENTLY USED CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS – As you begin your decorating and find items you no longer need but are still in good usable shape, donate them to the Christmas Decorations Sale booth! Please leave your items in the Mission Zone, marked for the Christmas Market, and you will make someone’s shopping a little “brighter.”

COOKIE DONATIONS or other baked goods for the Sweet Shoppe should be delivered on Friday, December 6 between 2:00 and 5:00 pm to the Welcome Center entrance. Please bring your cookies “loose” in a container because workers will package them for sale. Click HERE to sign up to bake cookies!

DON’T FORGET these other attractions to look forward to: craft vendors, Christmas music, Santa Shoppe and visits with Santa, mission projects, gently used Christmas items, and the ever popular Sweet Shoppe! Be sure to put this date on your calendar and plan to attend! The holiday spirit will be everywhere!