Local Missions
Shady Grove is very active in a number of local missions. Please click on a link to explore all of our opportunities.
2025 Shady Grove Golf Tournament
All proceeds from our annual golf tournament, sponsored by the Adult recreation Team, go towards missions.
Hanover Interfaith Free Clinic
Shady Grove serves as one of the sites for the local Hanover Interfaith Free Clinic. Learn more about the clinic by clicking the button below.
Shady Grove partners with CARITAS. For people experiencing homelessness and/or addiction, CARITAS is Richmond’s active community of caring that provides them a safe space for healing and recovery–and the support to rebuild and renew lives. You can learn more about CARITAS by visiting their website using the button below.
Disciples In Action (DIA)
DIA designs monthly projects that encourage and provide an avenue for our congregation to serve others, while growing in faith alongside one another.
If you would like to be a part of Disciples In Action, please email Vicki Underwood, using the button below.
Head Start Boxes
Shady Grove is recognized as a partner to the Hanover County Head Start Program. Annually, we collect specific school supplies from our members and assemble school kits for children in the Head Start Program. We have assembled between eighty and one hundred fifty school boxes each year since adopting this as a local mission opportunity. Please contact Laura Dustin below for more information.
Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions (MCEF)
Shady Grove UMC is proud to continue its longtime partnership with MCEF as one of many churches who provide non-perishable food, linens, and clothing to help families in need. Throughout the year you will see announcements for food items that MCEF is currently collecting, which can be placed in the Mission Zone at church.
MCEF is currently in need of any nonperishable food items, which can be placed in the Mission Zone room by the gym.

Caring Cooks
Do you want to share a meal with someone in need? Caring Cooks is a new ministry where church members come together and cook to stock the church kitchen freezer with meals. The meals are designed to serve 2-3 people. Any church member can go to the freezer and grab a meal to deliver to another church member, or anyone in the community in need. The Caring Cooks meets every other month in the gym kitchen to prepare meals. Please join us! Our next cooking day will be announced in the weekly E-News, as well as in the Sunday bulletin. If you have questions, please call or text Dixie Chappell at 804-317-7593. If you need assistance locating or accessing the church kitchen to pick up a meal, call or text Mary Elder at 757-604-3614.