Our Staff

Meet Our Staff (Click on a staff member's picture to read their bio or send them an email message)

Rev. Darcey Johnson darcey@shadygroveumc.org

Lead Pastor

Rev. Barry Burkholder barryburkholder@shadygroveumc.org

Minister with Seniors and Congregational Care

Bryan L. Greer bryan@shadygroveumc.org

Minister of Music

Mary Elder maryelder@shadygroveumc.org

Director of Discipleship

Karin Nelson karinnelson@shadygroveumc.org


Vicky Traylor vicky@shadygroveumc.org

Business Manager

Lori Smith lorismith@shadygroveumc.org

Administrative Assistant

Paul Bakeman paulbakeman@shadygroveumc.org

Communications Coordinator and Hyperlink Praise Band Director

Becky Roberts beckyroberts@shadygroveumc.org

Director of Children and Families Ministries and Connections

Matt Franklin matt@shadygroveumc.org

Director of Youth, Young Adult and Recreation Ministries

Liz Fryer elizabeth@shadygroveumc.org

Organist/Accompanist and Children's Choir Director

Dee Shiflett kittyskidsinc@gmail.com

Kitty's Kids Director

Verna Leuthe

Nursery Attendant

Rusty Baldwin rusty@shadygroveumc.org

Tech and Media Coorinator

Mark Leverett markleverett@shadygroveumc.org

Audio Visual Media Specialist

Mark Mundie
