Join a Small Group
Grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and each other! Read on for information on all of the various Sunday School classes, Bible studies, and other groups where you can find connection and friendship Scroll down to access a form where you can ask for more information about any of our small groups!
On Sunday mornings children will explore the Bible through lessons, crafts and activities. Sunday School at 9:45 am:
- Preschool-Kindergarten in G210
- Grades 1-3 in G218
- Grades 4-5 in G220
Children’s Church is held at 11:15am (mid-service) for preschool-grade 5 in G217.
On Sunday afternoons, children will dive into the Bible with “Deep Blue,” a study with practical and fun lessons and activities:
- Grades 2-5, 3:30-4:30 (before Trinity Choir)
- Preschool-grade 1, 4:30-5:30 (after Cherub Choir)
Sundays at 9:45 am
Room E213, lead by Buz Edwards, with Mary Elder, Janie Mundie, and others rotating as the second teacher.
The youth class is open to middle school and high school youth, and spends the hour talking about scripture, introducing Biblical concepts, and playing games to teach about Christian faith. When youth are away on a church trip, the class is very small to non-existent. A high-school boys group meets in G218 on second Sundays.
Our youth meets Sunday evenings for youth, has some weekday small groups, regular retreats, mission events, mission trips, and more. Our group ranges from 15 to 60. If you are interested in volunteering or participating, contact for more information.
Young Adult Group, Tuesdays 7:30 pm
Our Young Adult group is currently on a hiatus, but typically meets monthly on Tuesdays, and ranges from studies and dinner to Trivia nights!
Sunday School Classes:
Mundie Bible Class, Sundays at 9:45 am
Room E202, leaders Mary Bird, Theresa Keeton, and John Gillette
The Mundie Bible study is an adult class and meets Sunday mornings at 9:45 in Room E202. Teachers lead on a rotational basis. This Bible study is designed to help adults understand the meaning of the Bible for Christian Life, usually using Cokesbury adult curriculum.
Fellowship Class, Sundays at 9:45 am
Room E206, leader Faye Traylor
The Fellowship Class is an adult discussion class that meets at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday mornings in Room E206 (the chapel). It often includes a video, lesson, and short discussion, and is one of our larger classes, which rotates studies regularly.
Good News, Sundays at 9:45 am
Room G114, leader Gynanne Hahn
The Good News Friendship class is a discussion class that meets in Room G114 , just off of the gym, Sunday mornings at 9:45.
Joe White Fellowship Class, Sundays at 9:45 am
Room G113, led by Lee Newton & Bill Bolling
The Joe White Fellowship Class meets each Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in Room G113. This is one of Shady Grove’s largest Sunday school classes, and they often share coffee and snacks and a discussion of a topic in Christianity.
Faith Connections, Sundays at 11:15
Room G111, leader Paul Bakeman
This group meets following the contemporary worship service, and is open to all adult ages. This is a great group for those who want to just “pop in” because each week stands on its own as an individual lesson, often following different topics, books, or Bible stories.
Adult Classes That Meet During the Week:
Thursday Men’s Bible Study, Thursdays, 11:00-12:00
This study meets in G111 to discuss topics in Christianity. They enjoy interesting conversations about scripture and different questions. Led by David Addington.
Tuesday Women’s Bible Study, Tuesdays, 12:30-1:30
The Tuesday Women’s Bible Study meets in Room G111 to discuss different books, following the school calendar for when they meet (so off for the summer!). You don’t need to attend every week to follow along with their discussions. Contact Mary Elder at for more information!
We have opportunities for people of all ages, interests, and abilities to participate in the music ministries of our church. For more information about any of these, contact
Chancel Choir – Our traditional choir for adults, led by Bryan Greer, provides music for traditional worship services and seasonal concerts. They rehearse weekly on Wednesday evenings in the choir room.
Hyperlink – Shady Grove’s contemporary band of singers and instrumentalists, led by Paul Bakeman, provides music for the 9:45 a.m. worship service and seasonal concerts. They practice on Monday nights at 6:30 in the sanctuary.
Celebration Bells – Our handbell ensemble is open to adults and youth, providing music for traditional worship services and seasonal concerts. They rehearse Wednesday nights in the bell room.
Cappella – Our youth choir open to youth in grades 6 – 12, provides music for worship services regularly throughout the year and seasonal concerts. They typically meet during the school year.
Trinity and Cherub choirs—our children’s choirs for ages 3 to 5th grade provides children an opportunity to sing, play instruments and have fun learning about music. They provide music for worship services and seasonal concerts.
While they are not led by church staff, Scout troops 544 and 542 meet in our building, and are a thriving community of young people and parents who are open to new scouts joining. Contact Jennifer Bateman at
Our prayer shawl ministry, led by Gynanne Hahn, meets Thursdays at 10:00 am in G114. Bring your needles and supplies to knit and crochet with others to create shawls that will be a blessing to many people. Contact Gynanne Hahn at
Dementia/Alzheimers Group– led by David Addington. This group meets in room G111 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. on the 3rd Mondays of the month.
GriefShare– led by Anita and Derwood Norman. This group meets for sessions throughout the year in room G111 (dates and times vary-please complete the form below for more information).
Monday, Wednesdays, Fridays 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Join our active Pickleball players throughout the week in the Gym. For more information, or a free lesson, contact Ken Long at 804-370-1750
We offer several Fit classes for active adults!
FIT is a video-based class facilitated by Sandra Smith, Monday and Friday at 10:00 am in G110.
FIT-Plus is led by our Minister with Seniors, Rev. Cheryl Owen-Watson, who is a certified Senior Fitness Instructor. These classes meet Monday and Wednesday afternoons at 2:00 pm and Wednesday mornings at 10:00 am.
Contact for more information.
We have United Women of Faith groups (formerly UMW), who are open to receiving new members throughout the year. Each UWF circle meets monthly to build fellowship and community, learn together, and participate in ministries in the church and community. For more information, contact United Women of Faith president, Jessie Swann.
Witness Committee (leader, Bonnie Edwards)- Our witness committee includes the welcome teams, who greet visitors and members at the entrances on Sundays, helps coordinate outreach and community events, and create hospitality. They are highly involved in Be the Church Day and Block Party, along with all of our teams and other volunteers! Contact Bonnie Edwards at
Nurture (Leader, Sally Arbogast)- Our nurture team leads programs to provide care, relationship building, and hospitality within our community, including helping find people to coordinate coffee time fellowship, helping meet families’ needs for our wedding and funeral ministries, kitchen work, recreation, parish nursing, church history, blood drives, and photography for events. Contact Sally Arbogast at
Mission (leader, Catherine James)- Our mission committee meets quarterly on weekday evenings to plan, vision, publicize, and execute mission projects in our local community, nation, and world. This includes mission trips, donations, collections of items needed for local non-profits, and local service projects. Part of the Committee, Disciples in Action, plans monthly service projects with local organizations, like Mo’ Hope and Caritas. Contact Catherine James at
Worship– We have several groups responsible for helping create meaningful worship, both on Sundays and other seasonal services. These include the Altar Guild, who help create and care for the beautiful flowers and setting up for worship, Greeters and ushers who offer welcome at the door towards the sanctuary, lay readers, communion stewards, and communion servers. We are also looking for more people to assist Mark with AV in the sound booth during worship to keep our sound and video recordings strong! Contact Lyn Harding at
Discipleship (new!)- We are re-envisioning our team that helps create small group and educational experiences for our community. Contact if you are interested!
Senior Adult Council- participates in monthly Mechanicsville Fellowship Club programs, has an activity time every 4th Thursday, quarterly Senior Adult luncheons, occasional lunches and outings, visits to homebound, and more! Contact Vicky Traylor at